What makes the Comotomo Baby Bottle different? They placed smart, non-leaking dual air-vents to prevent colic, made a truly wide-neck design for easy cleaning, and used a hygienic silicone material so that you never have to worry about toxic chemicals. In designing the Comotomo bottle, they sought out to resolve all existing problems with standard baby bottles. Finally, Nanobébé’s innovative breast-like shape allows your baby to hold it on their own and self-feed from a much younger age. The bottles are stackable which helps track pumping order and saves storage space. The included breast-pump adaptor means you can express breastmilk directly into the Nanobébé Transition Breastmilk Bottle, and then store it in the freezer or fridge. Why try Nanobébé Transition Breastmilk Bottle?

In fact, the Nanobébé bottle warms up 2-3 times faster than standard bottles. Thanks to its unique geometry and increased surface area, the Nanobébé Transition Breastmilk Bottle cools quickly, reducing bacterial growth and warms quickly at safe temperatures, so you can promptly feed your hungry baby without exposing breastmilk to nutrient-damaging temperatures.

What makes Nanobébé Transition Breastmilk Bottle different? Nanobébé Transition Breastmilk Bottle is the first feeding bottle designed to protect precious breastmilk nutrients which are so essential to baby’s health.