
12 volt led lights uk
12 volt led lights uk

I always find it hard to recommend suppliers as it's really a personal choice. Do you know of any trusted online suppliers of LED fittings?

12 volt led lights uk

Third, it's much cheaper to heat by gas, or biomass, than electricity, and your boiler will have a thermostat to control the level of heat. Second, heat rises, so heat from ceiling lighting will stay close to the ceiling and therefore won't benefit the occupants of a room at all. First, you don't always want heat, so in the summer for instance, you are heating your house when you probably want it to be cooler. I see what you mean - you only have to stand under those bulbs in a bathroom or kitchen to feel the heat pouring off them!īut this would be an incredibly inefficient way of heating your house, for a number of reasons. How do we answer those people who say that the heat output of a tungsten or halogen lamp is part of the heat input to their house? Changing the lighting to LED will reduce this heat input, so the heating system will have to run that bit longer to compensate. The other benefit, as you mention, is they are 'instantly on' - no hanging around while your bulbs warm up. You can buy a good quality non-dimmable spot for as little as £4 now (IKEA's range are well priced and produce a great quality light). If you are happy with the light there is no need to, but as you replace them you could go LED. But you are right, they are nowhere near as great as if you were replacing old-fashioned light bulbs. There are still some energy savings, as LEDs do use less energy than CFLs. Is it worth just replacing the CFLs as they die? If I have already replaced halogen with CFL spot lights, is it worth me changing to LED versions? I know that they will turn on immediately, but there doesn't appear to be much of an energy saving to be made. The energy you save by replacing them will far outweigh any embedded carbon in the production of the old lightbulbs. Please note that you should never throw CFL (compact flourescent tubes) into your general waste, as they contain mercury - another good reason to replace them! You can find more information of where to recycle here. Throw them away or recycle them if you can. What's the best thing to do with the old, still functioning, bulbs? I have replaced all my old halogens with LEDs. Take a look at my guide at the end of these questions for a step-by-step approach to getting it right. There are still some challenges on packaging that don't make it easy to choose right bulb for its purpose, but there's a growing lobby for non-nonsense labelling, so hopefully things will change. It blows the old 'bad bulb' stereotype to bits and the people I know have so far been universally delighted. That way they get what they want without making costly mistakes. I take a selection of bulbs to people's homes so they can see the range of colours, brightnesses, fittings and so on, so they can try before they buy. Those memories still persist, so in fact a lot of what I do is to persuade people that this is no longer the case.

12 volt led lights uk

Lots of people tried LED lighting when it was first available and it often produced dim, cold puddles of light. What have been people's reactions to you switching to these lights? This is because the transformers are too overpowered for the small amount of electricity that LEDs need. In other cases, you need to replace the transformer with an LED driver. Some LED bulbs, like the Philips Master LED range, have in-built circuitry that can deal with most (but not all) transformers, so you don't have to change them. They will have a transformer either in the ceiling or light fitting. If they are low voltage (pins) it's a bit more complicated. LED lamps - pins and pegs Photograph: 10:10 Knowing which colour you like is important. The good news is, it's one of the easiest things to change. Even if you don't have solar panels, lighting uses a lot of power. But my electricity bill for my three-bedroom house is now £7 a month, and upgrading my lighting played a big role in that. With a bit of investigation I realised my lighting was drawing a lot of electricity. However after I bought a real-time energy meter I quickly learned that I was using a crazy amount of electricity at night - when my panels don't help. One of the reasons I switched to LED is that I have solar panels on my roof, which contribute to the electricity demand of my house during the day. Now I understand the colour I like, I generally get the right bulb each time.

12 volt led lights uk

It's interesting that folks from colder climates tend to favour a warm light, while folks from hotter climates prefer something more white or blue. I like a warm white, much like the old-fashioned tungsten bulbs. This is measured in Kelvin (you'll find it on the packet of any light bulb). The most important lesson has been light 'temperature'.

12 volt led lights uk